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Matrix Management Wiki

2B. Matrix Management 2.0 Accountability Overview

  • 2B1. MM 2.0 accountability is a results-driven system.
    • 2B1i. An outcome is a goal to be achieved, the result of a service delivered, or a deliverable produced as a result of a process.
      • 2B1ia. A goal is a measurable target to be achieved—an intangible outcome.
      • 2B1ib. A deliverable is a tangible output produced as a result of a process, or as a result of a service delivered to an internal or external customer.
    • 2B1ii. Results or outcomes are important if the organization is to reach its vision.
  • 2B2. A focus on outcomes is needed at both the leader and professional levels.
    • 2B2i. At the leader level, the focus is primarily on achieving the goals needed by the organization.
    • 2B2ii. At the professional level, the focus is primarily on producing deliverables. A focus on deliverables creates a manageable level of granularity.
  • 2B3. The focus of management oversight is on the completion of goals, production of service outcomes, and delivery of deliverables.
    • 2B3i. Production monitoring includes asking about:
      • 2B3ia. Quality: Will the deliverable pass the agreed upon quality criteria?
      • 2B3ib. The projected completion date: When will the deliverable be delivered to the customer?
      • 2B3ic. Cost to date and projected cost: How much has been spent so far and how much is projected to be spent in order to complete the deliverable?
  • 2B4. The accountability system of an organization needs to be results, not activity, focused.
    • 2B4i. Accountability is tied to outcomes, not activities.
    • 2B4ii. The system of accountability is a set of processes that helps ensure the results desired by the organization are achieved.