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Matrix Management Wiki

2V. Accountability and Performance Management

  • 2V1. The Performance Management System is a feedback and measurement system used to identify areas for improvement and to evaluate how well accountability has been fulfilled.
  • 2V2. In the past, performance feedback was done primarily by the coach (the boss in VM 1.0).
  • 2V3. Parts of the Performance Management System:
    • 2V3i. Performance feedback is the gathering of information about how an individual performed on a team or on a particular individual assignment.
      • 2V3ia. In MM 2.0, performance feedback is obtained from everyone an individual works with: team leaders, team members, customers, suppliers. This provides a more accurate measure of how he is performing and provides him with data he can use to improve.
      • 2V3ib. Performance feedback lets the individuals know what they did well and what needs to improve.
      • 2V3ic. The coach’s role is to help the individual translate that feedback into a plan for improvement.
    • 2V3ii. Performance measurement is the evaluation of how well an individual fulfilled his accountability for the year.
      • 2V3iia. Quantifies the assessment of how well the individual performed against her commitments.
      • 2V3iib. It is based on the fulfillment of accountability as outlined in the accountability portfolio; the amount of work taken on, the results of the commitments made, and the feedback on relationships built with team leaders and team members.
      • 2V3iic. The accountability review becomes the basis for the application of consequence through the recognition and reward system described in Section 2L4.