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Matrix Management Wiki

3H. Team Roles and Responsibilities

  • 3H1. Team member role:
    • 3H1i. Achieve goals (Steering Council teams) or produce deliverables (deliverables teams).
      • 3H1ia. Meet individual commitments/individual accountabilities and make sure the team meets its collective commitments (team accountability).
    • 3H1ii. Act as a liaison to assigned stakeholders.
      • 3H1iia. Manage interfaces within the team and with the stakeholders who are not on the team.
    • 3H1iii. Build relationships within the team and with stakeholders who are outside the team.
    • 3H1iv. Help to determine what commitments the team should make.
    • 3H1v. Work with the team to plan, implement, make decisions, solve problems, monitor progress, etc.
    • 3H1vi. Follow the team’s processes and guidelines for planning, monitoring, problem solving, etc.
    • 3H1vii. Constructively support the team.
    • 3H1viii. Represent the team’s interests as her own.
    • 3H1ix. Keep the team updated on status.
    • 3H1x. Contribute to the development of the team.
  • 3H2. Team leader role:
    • 3H2i. Negotiate the commitments for the team (ones they can agree to and keep).
    • 3H2ii. Ensure that the outcomes of the team are achieved (individual accountability).
    • 3H2iii. Act as a liaison to the higher level team.
      • 3H2iiia. The main team is a higher level team to the subteam.
    • 3H2iv. Facilitate the team process and build a high-performing team.
    • 3H2v. Facilitate the work/technical process: planning, implementing, monitoring, etc.
    • 3H2vi. Work with key stakeholders.
    • 3H2vii. Remove obstacles for the team.
    • 3H2viii. Liaise with the team’s sponsor.
    • 3H2ix. Ensure resources are available based on commitments made by resource leaders.
  • 3H3. Sponsor role:
    • 3H3i. A sponsor is a person who sits on a higher level team and who has individual accountability to produce certain outcomes. The lower level team has accountability to produce a subset of the sponsor’s outcomes. Therefore, the sponsor is dependent on the lower level team if he is to be successful. In addition, he is accountable for the success of the team leader of the lower level team. The sponsor:
      • 3H3ia. Acts as a “temporary coach” to the team leader.
      • 3H3ib. Provides direction to the team leader.
      • 3H3ic. Might provide funding, but makes sure funding is available.
      • 3H3id. Removes obstacles the team leader cannot remove on his own.
      • 3H3ie. Performs oversight functions for the team.
      • 3H3if. Provides feedback on the performance of the team leader.