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Matrix Management Wiki

9B. Glossary of Definitions

Term SectionDefinition
Accountability2C1Accountability is the commitment to achieve individual, team, and organizational outcomes while building organizational relationships.
Accountability portfolio2T1An accountability portfolio is a list of accountability commitments made by an individual.
Accountability Process2I1The MM 2.0 Accountability Process is the process used to negotiate and fulfill team and individual accountability.
Achieving Outcomes Subprocess2I2iThe Achieving Outcomes Subprocess is a four-stage process for delivering team and individual outcomes that begins with a request for an outcome and ends with lessons learned.
Activities4A5iaActivities are the steps needed to produce an outcome.
Area Leader1I5iAn area leader is the head of a resource area, such as a function, department, etc., and is a member of the leadership team.
Authority relationship6B4iAn authority relationship is the direct relationships between a coach (who must be a leader) and the person who “reports to” the coach, his direct report.
Available capacity4F3iiAvailable capacity is the amount of time that has not yet been committed to. (Total capacity minus time already committed.)
Boss1C3iA boss in VM 1.0 is a person who has one or more direct reports reporting to her.
Bottlenecks4F5iaBottlenecks are limitations on a system.
Broad spectrum support process5I2iiiBroad spectrum support processes serve large segments of the organization so it can execute support and operating processes.
Building Relationships Subprocess2I2iiThe Building Relationships Subprocess is the creation and management of interpersonal relationships across the organization.
Business process5I1A business process is a set of steps that turns inputs into repeatable outputs for an internal or external customer.
Capability4E1Capability is the ability to do something—apply the knowledge, skill, and expertise to a task or activity.
Capacity4F1Capacity is a measure of the amount of work a resource (a person or a machine) can do.
Centralized function3B3iA centralized function is an MM 1.0 term in which all the groups and people for a function report through a single vertical line.
Coach2R1i.A coach is a person with an authority relationship with a direct report. In VM 1.0, this person is called a boss.
Contingency time4H1Contingency time is unallocated time that is held in reserve for unknowns.
Critical path4H6iaThe critical path is the path through a process for which there is no slack or waiting time; therefore, it determines the time the process will take to complete.
Cross-functional integration1C1iCross-functional integration is the pulling together of different segments of the organization into a cohesive team.
Customer/supplier relationship6F2iA customer/supplier relationships is the relationship between two people or two groups in a process—between an internal or external customer and his internal or external supplier.
Decentralized function3B4A decentralized function is one in which some of the groups and people within a function report to another vertical area, like a business unit.
A deliverable is an output of a process—the product of doing work.
Deliverables team1I3iiA deliverables team is a team that produces specific deliverables as defined by a governing Steering Council.
Effectiveness2G2iEffectiveness is created by delivering value to the customer across the horizontal delivery chain.
Effectiveness4F3vEffectiveness is about the value that is being produced by an individual or a process.
Efficiency2G2iiEfficiency is created by removing gaps between people and groups and eliminating process waste.
Efficiency4F3ivEfficiency from a time perspective is about how quickly a person can create a deliverable or how quickly a process can produce a deliverable.
Element1F4iiAn element is a subsystem or individual part within a system.
Elements1C1ibThe components of a segment are called its elements.
Executive steering5B6iExecutive steering is the highest level of governance. Decisions that affect the enterprise are made within the Executive Steering Council, which owns the strategic plan (its development and execution).
Formal matrix1C3vA formal matrix is an MM 1.0 invention in which a vertical function is created in order to manage a cross-functional segment (for example, a product management group).
Formal staff relationship6F1A formal staff relationship is a structured, non-authority-based relationship between individuals.
Function3A1iaA function is a vertical area composed of similar activities.
A goal is a broad, measurable target of what must be accomplished. It can be an intangible outcome.
Horizontal dimension1E4The horizontal dimension is the dimension of customers, products, operations, and suppliers.
Individual accountability2E5Individual accountability is the commitment to achieve individual outcomes, effectively and efficiently, while building organizational relationships.
Informal matrix1C3viAn informal matrix is one which operates like the formal matrix without having a permanent (part of organizational structure) vertical unit dedicated to the cross-functional integration of a segment. (An MM 1.0 concept.)
Initiative1I8iAn initiative is used to create an organization-wide change.
Initiatives5G2iaInitiatives are internally focused large-scale projects.
Internal customer1I6iiiThe internal customer is someone who receives a deliverable from an internal or external supplier.
Internal supplier1I6ivThe internal supplier is someone who supplies a deliverable to an internal or external customer.
Leader 1I4iiiaA leader is someone whose primary role is to create strategic and customer alignment and optimization of the organization.
Leadership Lever1J2iiThe Leadership Lever refers to the changes that individual leaders must make in how they lead teams and vertical areas.
Liaison3I4iiaA liaison is a person assigned to ensure that a stakeholder is engaged in the team’s work.
Management technology1A3Management technology is the practical application of organizational and leadership knowledge to running an organization.
Matrix1E2A matrix is an organization that operates in two dimensions—the vertical and the horizontal.
Needs2Q2iiiaNeeds are the features and functions that fall into the “must have” category.
Non-authority relationship6B6iA non-authority relationship is any relationship that isn’t an authority relationship.
Operating business process5I2iOperating business processes produce products and services for external customers.
Operating project3C3iiiAn operating project is a project that is part of doing day-to-day business.
Operational steering5B6iiiOperational steering makes shorter-term decisions and translates segment goals into deliverables (or initiatives into projects).
Optimize1B2iiaTo optimize the organization is to make it as effective and efficient as possible.
Organizational accountability2E3Organizational accountability is the commitment to act in the best interests of the organization.
Organizational Lever1J2iThe Organizational Lever refers to the changes needed at the enterprise/organizational level.
Organizational operating system1A8iAn organizational operating system (OS) is a system consisting of principles, and rules, organizational management systems, and leadership skills, tools, and techniques.
Outcome2B1iAn outcome is a goal to be achieved, the result of a service delivered, or a deliverable produced as a result of a process.
Paradigm1A2iA paradigm is a system of belief.
Part1F4iiiA part is the same thing as an element.
Performance feedback2V3iPerformance feedback is the gathering of information about how an individual performed on a team or on a particular individual assignment.
Performance Management System2V1The Performance Management System is a feedback and measurement system used to identify areas for improvement and to evaluate how well accountability has been fulfilled.
Performance measurement2V3iiPerformance measurement is the evaluation of how well an individual fulfilled his or her accountability for the year.
Portfolio5C1A portfolio is any collection of similar types of items.
Position1I4iA position is the functional home that an individual occupies in the vertical dimension of the organization.
Premises1A5iiPremises are assumptions about what is believed to be true.
Principles1A5iiiPrinciples are broad-based guiding beliefs.
Proactive accountability2M2Proactive accountability is the commitment to achieve individual, team, and organizational success.
Productivity1B2icProductivity is the ability to produce goods and services.
Professional1I4iiibA professional is someone whose primary role is to contribute specific expertise in the creation of the organization’s deliverables (products and services). Also known as an individual contributor.
Project1I8iiA project is used to create a new or improved product, service, process, or plan.
Project5H1A project is a temporary endeavor that produces a unique deliverable.
Project leader5H4The project leader is the team leader for the project team.
Project sponsor5H3A project sponsor is a leader who oversees an individual project.
Project team member5H5Project team members are individuals with specific knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to produce the deliverables required for the project.
Requirements2Q2iiibRequirements are the list of features and functions that are technically feasible, that can be resourced, and that the customer and supplier agree will be included in the deliverable to be produced by the individual who accepts accountability for the deliverable. 
Resource area1I1iiiA resource area is a vertical function that houses the resources that are allocated to the horizontal dimension.
Resource area3C2iA resource area is a vertical segment of the organization that contains a pool of similar resources.
Resource leader1I5ii
A resource leader is a leader who has direct reports.
Role1I4iiA role is a temporary or permanent function that an individual plays in the horizontal dimension of the organization.
Rules1A5ivThe rules are the specifics about how to operate within a paradigm.
Sector1I1iA sector is a strategic business segment of the organization, focused on external strategy.
Segment1C1iaA segment is a group of parts that fit together, like the individual products within a portfolio of products.
Skills1A2iiiSkills are how the tools are used.
Span of accountability 2U1Span of accountability is the percentage of the strategic goals that are included in an individual’s accountability portfolio.
Sponsor3H3iA sponsor is a person who sits on a higher level team and who has individual accountability to produce certain outcomes.
Sponsor-to-team leader relationships6F2iiiSponsor to team leader relationships are the relationship between a sponsor and a team leader. The team leader in the relationship is usually heading up an initiative, program, or project.
Stakeholders2Q3iStakeholders are anyone who is affected by the team or who can affect the team.
Steering Council1I3iA Steering Council is a group that governs a sector, vector, or smaller segment of the organization.
Strategic steering5B6iiStrategic steering makes high level, longer-term decisions related to sector goals. It translates goals into subgoals, or in the case of vectors, into initiatives.
Support business process5I2iiSupport business processes produce a product or service for an operating process or another support process.
System1F4A system is the interconnection of related parts or elements organized into a whole.
Team1I2iA team is a group of interdependent people who share a common goal.
Team accountability2E4Team accountability is the commitment to achieve team outcomes, effectively and efficiently, while building organizational relationships.
Team leader1I6iThe team leader is the leader of a horizontal team, such as a project team, steering council, leadership team, etc., either on a temporary or permanent basis.
Team member1I6iiThe team member is a member of a permanent or temporary team.
Team relationships6F2iiTeam relationships are relationships between 1) a team leader and a team member, 2) two team members or 3) a team leader or a team member and a stakeholder who is not on the team.
Technology1A1A technology is the practical application of a field of knowledge within a particular area.
Tools1A2iiTools are the means by which the knowledge is applied.
Total capacity4F3iTotal capacity is the total amount of time that an individual works for the organization each week.
Unconditional accountability2O1Unconditional accountability means that once accountability is defined and committed to, it is locked in and binding.
Vector1I1iiA vector is a major segment of internally focused strategy.
Vector project3C3iiiA vector project is used to improve, invent, or reinvent what currently exists. Vector projects are used to actualize internal strategy.
Vertical dimension1E3The vertical dimension is the dimension where resources are housed and managed.
Wants2Q2iiicWants include specific features and functions that the customer would like to have included in the deliverable.
Whole1F4iA whole is the same thing as a system.